About the Owner
Hello there homeowners of Sarasota and Siesta Key! Katie Stricker has been visiting Siesta Key from Ohio since she was a baby and her grandparents spent their winters on the Key. When she was old enough to realize this area could be her home, Ohio had no hope. Southwest Florida has indeed been her home since 2000 and Sarasota specifically since 2008 when she moved here to finish her Master's Degree in Adult Education. That degree never got put to use. O'Leary's Tiki Bar was a side job that beat out every "career" she was looking at. ​The last fourteen years have been spent happily serving you from the best office ever.
Katie became interested in the home watch industry when she realized how many of her friend’s homes she was checking on when they were gone. So many things can happen to an unoccupied home, from mold infestations to vandalism. Katie decided to make it official and Happy Home Watch of Sarasota was formed.
We understand the level of trust you are
giving Happy Home Watch of Sarasota by letting us into your home. Happy Home Watch of Sarasota is insured, bonded, accredited and certified by the National Home Watch Association for everyone's protection. Happy Home Watch of Sarasota is truly "happily here for your home" when you aren't.